Registrations open
Fund Raising directly provides programs and opportunities for our community to support each other.

What better way to honor the service men and women the commit to protect and supporting us than by registering to move for 3, 6, 12 or 24hrs.
Over the Easter long weekend, commencing Good Friday 18th of April 2025, we will stand together on the line in unity and respect honoring our Combined Service men and women who may or may no longer be here to stand tall.
This event was created to demonstrate our respect as civilian's but it quickly transformed into much more. It now stands as a community event with Civilians, Veterans and First responders walking side by side - exactly how things should be.
Guidelines In person event.
* It is all participants responsibility for their own health and safety during the lead up to and during the event. This includes Nutrition and Hydration on the day.
* Participants to arrive at Dennis park minimum 30min prior to event start time in order to sign in and be present for event briefing.
* Age cut off's: minimum age 3 or 6hr event 8yrs with adult supervision.
12hr event is 13yrs at time of event and 16yrs for 24hr participants. If you wish to request an exemption please email walking4warriorsCQ@gmail.com
* Participants will need to ensure that they have the mandatory gear which will be communicated in the near future.
* Participants are to stay within the boundaries of the venue during the event and follow the set course as marked.
Guidelines Virtual event.
* It is the ultimate responsibility of all virtual participants to implement adequate planning to ensure a safe event for themselves.
* It is highly recommended that participants plan their course in a known location away from traffic influences where possible.
* If you haven't completed a significant endurance challenge previous consider starting with the 3, 6 or 12hr event unless you feel confident you can safely complete the 24hr event.
* Consider joining up with other people in your local area and complete your events together providing you with a support network for when it gets hard.
* Ensure you have an emergency contact set up for the event.
* Share you plan with the organizers so that they can support your with encouragement.
* The Virtual event needs to be completed between 01st April 2025 and the 30th April 2025
* Challenge must be completed in one continuous time period to be deemed as successfully completing the challenge.
* Record your challenge on Strava as part of the Walking 4 Warriors event so that organizers can verify your completion and your km's which will be added to the total distance moved by our group.
, this is an individual event, and we want you to push your own physical and mental barriers. You can however register as a team to move as a unit to help keep individual participants motivated and challenge each other to the finish line. The aim of the event is for individuals to conquer the chosen time challenge and as it wasn't created as a relay.
, this is all about pushing your boundaries, Physically or mentally.
Our expectations are that you would be moving for a period every hour of your registered event. We created this event as a way of honoring the people that commit to never quitting to keep us safe and we hope you bring that mindset to your challenge. If during the event you feel unable to move regularly we would ask you to speak to our medical and organizing staff to discuss options.
Yes minimum ages are: 3/6hrs event 8yrs old with adult supervision, 12hr event 13yrs and 24hr event 16yrs.
If your child is dedicated to training consistently we will assess any requests on a case by case basis please email walking4warriorscq@gmail.com if required
Our shirts are set to arrive in late March. For anyone the registers prior to the 15th of January we will attempt to have your event shirt to you prior to the event. If you do not live locally to Gladstone postage may be required as part of your registration. For all registrations after the 15th January your event shirt will be available at pack pick up prior to event. (date to be confirmed). For those registrations after 15th January we can not guarantee a shirt in your size but we try our best to have a variety of sizes available for participants and to purchase.
, however this is not mandatory. There are multiple ways to donate to our fundraising event including a facebook fundraiser, raffle, Merch sales and of course participation. If you would like to raise money independently then that is fine and we would just expect it to be added to our facebook fundraiser once collected. Any independent fundraising is the responsibility of the participants.
Yes you can still participant even if you intended to attend and your situation changes we would be happy to support you doing a virtual option. The guidelines for the virtual option are above please read these and if you have any ?'s let us know.
Why not get a group together to support your virtual challenge.
Yes , We will have a central aid station for participants. We will provide a range of Nutrition and Hydration for our participants but we highly recommend that you also come prepared incase what we have doesn't agree with you on the day or to met any special dietary requirements you may have.
We also have set up a First Aid and Physio/Massage station to assist our participants in completing their challenge, however we do encourage you to come prepared with you own support team and aid supplies.
We operate a BBQ at various time periods of the event, offering a range of hot and cold food options for purchase on the day. Details of the menu will be communicated prior to the event. The bar will also operate for alcoholic drinks at certain times during the event. Stay tuned for these details.
There is a large carpark area at Dennis Park which will accommodate all participants and supporters. Tannum Sands Seagulls have toilets and cold shower facilities available for participants and spectators.
, we will have a range of Merchandise available prior to and during the event for purchase or order if specific sizing isn't available.
The course is approx 2.5km long and predominantly grass with a section of dirt and bitumen thrown in for good measure. There is a certain amount of unevenness in sections so care is required while participating.
Prior to registering for any Walking 4 Warriors Endurance Challenge please ensure you have read the below Waiver.
Registration for an event is a confirmation of acceptance of the waiver.
Walking4Warriors Waiver, Release and Indemnification Form for any persons participating in any Walking4Warriors event.
In consideration of the acceptance of my participation in any Walking4Warriors event (hereafter referred to as “the event”), I hereby agree to comply with all the rules, regulations and event instructions of the committee and its directors and organizers.
For myself, my executors, administrators, heirs, next of kin, successors, and assigns, I hereby waive and release any and all claims that I may have against Walking4Warriors, its event committee, their officers, directors, members, volunteers, employees, agents, sponsors or any one more of them,or their executors, administrators, heirs, next of kin, successors or assigns (“the releasees”) including any and all claims for damage caused by the negligence of any of them arising directly and indirectly out of my participation in the event and its related activities, together with any costs including legal costs on a full indemnity basis that may be incurred as a result of any such claim whether valid or not, and I indemnify and hold harmless the releasees and each of them against any such claim that I or my guests or any one or more of my executors, administrators, heirs, next of kin, successors or assigns may have or assert against any costs, including any legal fees on a full indemnity basis with respect thereto.
I hereby acknowledge that I have sole responsibility for my personal possessions and athletic equipment during the event and its related activities.
I also hereby acknowledged that I have sought recent medical advice from a suitably qualified medical professional who certified that I am in good physical and mental health and that I am fully able to participate in any form of strenuous and potentially risky physical and mental activities without any underlying risks that would normally be identified when undergoing physical and mental examination.
I hereby acknowledge that participation in the event carries with it a potential hazard. I therefore release Walking4Warriors and its event committee, their officers, directors, members, volunteers, employees, agents, sponsors or any liability resulting from injury or death during the event and its related activities.
I hereby attest and verify that I am physically fit and have sufficiently trained for this event. I hereby consent to receive medical treatment, which may be deemed advisable as a result of injury, accident and/or illness that I may suffer during this event.
I hereby acknowledge that my participation in Walking4Warriors events may result in my name, results and photo being published online, on social media and used for promotional purposes.
Participants, helpers and spectators give permission to share contact information with QLD Health or any other authority that may need to undertake COVID tracing.